Sunday, October 17, 2010

Child Labor

         Well, this is an interesting topic. I actually did a research paper on worldwide child labor a few years ago. It is unbelievable that it is still going on. Are we as humans really that greedy that we would exploit each other for our own gain? Whether it's for power, or money, or both, its still happening.
         Researching for my paper I discovered that children as young as FOUR were working in dirty, foul conditions for little pay and being worked until they drop from exhaustion. With the children that were working the machinery many of them had limbs cut off from the gears in the machines that were exposed. But what was most astonishing was that NBA-star Michael Jordan's Nike air-jordan shoes was accused of using child labor to make the shoes. Click HERE or HERE to see articles about Nike and child labor.
        We were talking about this in AIS and sweatshop, etc labor is STILL going on today. These people are terrified of loosing this job that they have even if it is awful because they can't find work elsewhere. Many of the countries that use sweatshop labor are suppliers of the U.S. for cheap stores like Wal-mart and Target. If the U.S. is so powerful like people say we are why don't we do anything about it? I would rather buy really expensive clothes that don't use sweatshop labor than cheap clothes that do. I understand that some don't have the same resources that others do but that doesn't make modern day slavery right.

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