I definitely think that-that topic is worth revisiting because there are so many ways in which the recession has affected everyone in the nation, not to mention the troubles of a major city. I have also noticed that recently I have more directly related my blog topics to class rather than mention our class discussions in passing.
I am very happy about that discovery because I feel like I have participated more and become more involved in class. I think our class and our motto (I think of it that way) is like the picture because we jump into discussions that are taking place globally and I think that will really help in the future with being a part of a (global) voice.
My favorite blog is Every Man For Himself! because it can be related to so many topics, not only our books/discussions in class. I have enjoyed this class and I am still amazed at the topics that we covered, the depth of our conversations, and I think we showed how intelligent and discerning highschoolers (and other young folks) can be and are, no matter what age.
I hope to see you all next year!